The HALO Agreement is the simple solution to man’s greatest threats: his own unethical behavior.

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The HALO Agreement is guided by a simple, compelling principle: Everyone makes decisions that maximize the benefits to everybody affected by those decisions.

All we need to achieve the most prosperous, just and safe world possible is one great leader or organization that tells everyone to PLEDGE AND DEMAND OF EACH OTHER that we all make decisions that maximize the benefit to everyone affected. Everyday we would remind each other, and especially our world leaders, of their pledge to this simple principle.

The HALO Agreement: A simple 3-step path to a the most prosperous, just, and safe world possible


What is the best possible outcome for every person?

Step 2: MODIFY

If the best outcome for all isn't possible, what's the next best option that will produce the smallest loss for anyone affected?


What incentive can be given to anyone blocking the desired outcome?

One Person, a World of Change:

The HALO Agreement can show you how to maximize the benefits to yourself and everyone affected by those decisions.

Why HALO Works

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HALO Agreement Resources

We the People: Vote for Our Best Option

Are we ready to accept the power of our vote, and hold our elected leaders accountable to working for our best options? Watch the story unfold this summer, and take action on November 3rd.

Watch the Film

The McDonnell Legacy: Peace More Than Military Sales

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